

The importance of hygiene cannot be overstated.

The safety and experience of our clients is of the utmost priority at the Bloodline Tattoo Studio in Bangkok. We never want a consumer to come here expecting world-class tattooing and leave disappointed. We follow strict safety practices and standards, and our workers have university certifications in Australian Work Health & Safety. That are especially modeled after Australian standards and are audited and reviewed on a regular basis to ensure we are leading the way in our hygiene and safety policies.

We exclusively utilize the finest quality disposable tattoo equipment and make no cost-cutting measures, which means inks are never re-used and are entirely imported to ensure the greatest quality. We have earned a reputation as an industry leader in this field and would never, ever sacrifice quality for money. We have an Australian Tertiary Standards qualified Work Place Trainer and Assessor on staff who ensures that all of our employees are trained with the most up-to-date methods, practices, and standards and that we maintain a highly sterile environment at all times without exception.

An environment that is safe and sterile

When a customer walks into our studio to get a tattoo, we want them to know that we are doing all possible to keep them safe. After all, they want their tattoo to be perfect and everything they wished for.

That is why we thoroughly disinfect all equipment, including disposable needles and grips. Covering all equipment with plastic to ensure that contamination at any time is impossible. This plastic covering is then replaced after each customer leaves and before the next customer is even permitted to enter their tattoo area.
Each of our tattoo artists takes great effort to strictly comply to our stringent safety guidelines. These include never sharing needles, inks, or other equipment from one customer to the next. They always wash their hands with an automatic soap dispenser and then put on a new pair of rubber gloves before beginning each new work.

Best Practices and Hygiene Standards

Here at Bloodline Tattoo Studio, we rigorously adhere to the following standards and best practices:

  • Use only disposable needles, tubes, grips, and inks (never reuse).
  • After each session, all equipment is wrapped in plastic and replaced.
  • Chairs and mattresses are covered with plastic sheeting and replaced after each session.
  • Artists wash their hands and use an automatic hand sanitizer dispenser. After that, each session begins with the application of new gloves.
  • Every day, all areas are properly cleaned between customers to guarantee that no contamination occurs.

Our customers’ safety and satisfaction come first.


Following a Tattoo

NAfter you have completed the trauma of having your skin art placed to your body, it is critical that you follow all of the aftercare instructions that the tattoo artist will go over with you before you leave. Your ability to attentively follow all of the instructions will mean the difference between a positive encounter and a less-than-ideal outcome.

During the healing process, the number one priority is to avoid any risk of infection, which includes both persons and areas with a high likelihood of filthy behaviors. The other thing is that you maintain it constantly moisturised in order to keep the color consistent and prevent ink from leaking out. This is the difference between keeping a tattoo looking new and having it for years. Before you leave the studio, the artist will carefully apply a dressing over the tattoo and surrounding area. The average healing time for most newly applied tattoos is between 5 and 10 days, and there are several things you should be aware of in order to protect your new body art. There are a few things you must do immediately after receiving a new tattoo: properly clean it, liberally apply an anti-bacterial moisturizer, and keep it shielded and out of the sun’s UVA/UVB rays.

One of the most important aspects of aftercare is to remove any seeping blood platelets that form prior to scabbing. Keep any scabs from growing on top of your tattoo, since this might cause early color fading. By keeping it moisturized and sun-protected, you can almost surely expect the vibrant colors of your tattoo to shine brightly for years to come.

Things to avoid at all costs

  • To clean your tattoo, never use bar soap.
  • Do not use a washcloth, scrub brush, or sponges to clean your tattoo.
  • Always pat dry rather than rubbing or scraping.
  • Don’t sunbathe or swim in chlorinated water (swimming pool or hot tubs) It is critical that you avoid all of the things listed above throughout the healing process. Infection is one of the most common concerns with tattoo aftercare, as is ensuring that your hands are well washed before applying moisturising cream to newly tattooed skin.


Important things to keep in mind

Applying an excellent moisturising lotion multiple times a day does two crucial things: it aids in the healing process and promotes blood flow to the tattooed skin area. As a result, it will aid to improve, revitalize, and heal the tattooed region. Keeping the skin wet throughout the procedure. However, never apply too thick a layer of cream to the region, as this can make it difficult to massage in and create additional irritation to the skin, as well as clogging pores during the healing process.

All tattoo appointments can be made by contacting us on Facebook and Instagram.

Please note:
We do not accept email appointments.